A2 Milk for Pregnant Mothers – A complete Food

During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through many physical, physiological, emotional, and hormonal changes. With an increase in cravings for different kinds of food added with emotional changes, it gets a lot more important to have the right kind of nutrition. While going through these changes, a woman is always posed with a question of what best to have for her health as well as the infant’s growth. Here, A2 milk serves the purpose of wholesome food with all the essential prenatal vitamins needed for the pregnancy.

A2 milk, how is it different?

A2 milk is produced by Desi cows like Gir, Sahiwal, Rathi, Tharparkar in India. The 80% of milk protein – casein, is present in Beta-casein form in A2 milk which is not only nutritious but easy to digest. Beta-casein A2 milk is even said to be digestible by lactose intolerant people. Moreover, there are multitude of health benefits of A2 milk for both the mother and growing foetus.

Why A2 milk?

For a pregnant mother, the nutrition is to be decided keeping in mind the growth of the baby, hence all vital vitamins and minerals make up a balanced diet. Desi cow milk or Gir cow milk is fortified with these nutrients which help in an infant’s physical and mental growth. Here are some of the advantages of A2 milk:

●      Rich in Folic acid, which helps maintain endometrium as well as the neural tube in the foetus.

●      It is loaded with Iron & Zinc, supporting the neurological development of babies. Hence, A2 milk is called an IQ food for children.

●      During pregnancy changes in the mother, 1000 to 1300 mg of Calcium are required daily. A2 milk is an abundant source of calcium and magnesium which also reduces fatigue for mothers. Also, for the physical changes that a mother undergoes, adequate calcium intake is important for a healthy pregnancy.

●      With it’s Vitamin B content, Desi cow milk helps sustain the energy levels in pregnant women.

●      Additionally, Vitamin D helps in maintaining the immune system to avoid complications in pregnancy.

●      A2 milk, when consumed raw, makes up for the fluid loss in a pregnant woman’s body which makes it an essential food across all 9 months of pregnancy.

How to consume A2 milk during pregnancy?

For the first trimester, A2 milk or gir cow milk is advised to be consumed raw. It can be taken as both cold and warm. Additionally, some of it can be taken with honey or herbs like Liquorice. These add to the nutrient value of Desi cow milk.

It can be consumed with a bowl of fruits and nuts if a mother is not habitual of drinking raw milk.

During the second trimester, along with raw a2 milk, a2 ghee or clarified butter can be added to warm milk which increases the calcium content as well as enriches it in Omega-3 and fortified fats.

During the last and most important trimester, having adequate A2 milk can aid a normal and healthy child birth. Not only should a mother consume Desi cow milk but also add plenty of A2 ghee or Gir ghee to the diet. Milk boiled with herbs as well as rice cooked in milk are also easily digestible and healthy options for the third trimester of pregnancy.

To sum it up, nutrient benefits of A2 milk make it a complete healthy food for both mother’s health and child’s overall growth.

So, make sure that you consume all the good-good of Desi cow milk pre, during and post pregnancy.

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