healthy life

5 simple, daily Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s still the first month of the year so don’t give up on your resolutions for a healthy lifestyle just yet. While you may feel like you’re still in a holiday slump or working hard to stay motivated, we at Mr.Milk have something just for you. Little edits in your regular routine about that will […]

5 simple lifestyle changes for a solid New Year’s Resolution

What’s December without committing to stick to at least one if not a few resolutions? Be productive, wake up at 5 am, build a workout routine, lose more weight. While all of these are great new years resolutions to have, do we really stick to them all through the year?With this in mind, we have […]

Daily Regimen – The Ayurveda Way!

Dincharya is an Ayurveda daily regimen that teaches how to live a better, happier, and longer life while avoiding any diseases. To achieve profound transformation in the body, mind, and consciousness, regular practice is required. Routine aids in the establishment of balance in the body. It also promotes self-esteem, discipline, peace, happiness, and longevity by […]

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